Thursday, November 17, 2011

Compare and Contrast Islam and Christianity

Two of the world’s major religions are Islam and Christianity, which have historical and traditional connections. The two faiths share a common origin in the Middle East. Despite the common belief that these two religions are different and represent two different cultures, they share many similarities. Similarities between the two religions include their common origin from Abraham, their monotheistic view, and afterlife beliefs, but there are often overshadowed by the differences such as their religious text, prophets, and holidays.
Christianity and Islam are known as Abrahamic religions because they have a common origin through Abraham. In Christianity it is believed that God made a covenant with Abraham that led to the coming of Jesus Christ. According to Christian belief, God’s love for his creation was so infinite that he was determined to bridge the gap that man made when he sinned. In this God made the first covenant with Abraham. The covenant included the promise of a future savior, Jesus, who would come through Abraham’s descendants. However, Christians don’t trace their linage back to Abraham, but rather view themselves as adopted sons because they consider themselves sons of Jesus, who was the future promise for Abraham’s descendants. In Islam, Muslims trace their linkage back to Abraham through Ishmael. Muslims consider Ishmael to be the first-born son of Abraham and to be the “Father of the Arabs.” In addition, Abraham’s second son, Isaac, is called “Father of the Hebrews.” Muslims see Ishmael as the one through which God’s covenant would be fulfilled. As in Christianity Abraham is not so much the founder of the religion, but rather viewed as someone who sought God’s will.
Both Christianity and Islam are monotheistic religions. Monotheism is the belief of the existence of one and only one god. In Christianity, Christians believe that there is only one true God. However, in addition to believing in one God they also believe that God can be divided into three separate people. This is known as the Holy Trinity, a doctrine of the Christian faith that states God exists as three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but still exists as one God. The Islamic view of God is often called strict monotheism. Muslims believe I only one god called Allah who is a unique indivisible being who is independent of creation.
Christianity and Islam also share similar views of the afterlife. They both believe that the fate a person meets in the afterlife depends upon their actions when they were alive. In both Christianity and Islam if a person does lives a good, moral life in earth they will be rewarded with eternal life and happiness. The same is believed if a person lives a corrupt live. According to both Christianity they and Islam they will spend eternality in hell.
Although Christianity and Islam have these three similarities, there are also many defining differences that clearly set these religions apart from each other. One significant different is each religion’s path towards salvation and the afterlife. Even though both Islam and Christianity believe in similar afterlives, the road taken to get to each is unlike. Followers of Christianity believe that proper sacraments must be done in order to reach salvation. Depending on the branch of Christianity, these sacraments differ from branch to branch. For instance, Christians strongly believe that a baptism, or christening, is necessary for someone of this faith to undergo in order to reach salvation. Similarly, a confirmation, a religious initiation into the Christian church, is strongly advocated in this religion. However, Islam does not require these types of sacraments in order to achieve salvation. Although both religions push for good deeds from their followers, Muslims are pushed to follow the “Five Pillars”. These are five basic principles that should be followed in order for a believer to obtain salvation in Islam. These two routes to salvation are two prominent differences that set Christianity apart from Islam.
Another contrast between these two faiths is the primary holiday that is celebrated by each, Christmas and Eid. Christmas is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Jesus; however, Eid is celebrated to mark the end of Ramadan, a month long fast by Muslims. Although every religion has holidays, the way each celebrates in the United States significantly differs. Even though Christmas still has a religious aspect to some, it has been greatly commercialized by those who celebrate it. However, Muslims have been able to keep Eid strictly religious and emphasizes the importance of prayer. Christianity is emphasizes bringing families and friends closer to one another during Christmas, while Islam focuses on bringing people closer to God on Eid.
The last contrast between these two religions is the sacred text used by each. Christianity uses the bible, which is a combination of the Old Testament and the New Testament. However, Islam focuses on the Qur’an. Though the Qur’an is claimed to be the literal word of God, the bible is a combination of the word of God, human accounts and interpretations. Due to the different religious texts used by the two religions there are different teachings and rules followed by each. These texts are the back bone to what followers set for their set of morals and beliefs.
Christianity and Islam are the two largest religions in today’s world, and although they may have had similar origins, they both have several similarities and differences now. Their origin, belief on the afterlife and monotheistic belief may all be the same; however, their path towards salvation, holidays and sacred texts are different. Both religions still have millions of followers, and both are highly respected.

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